Manifestation & Visualization | SelfLOVE | Overcoming Obstacles | Mindful Business | Financial Soundness | Motherhood | Domestic Violence Prevention










Summer’s talk on abundance and following your purpose was very uplifting. I don’t know how someone could be around her and not feel inspired. It’s apparent to me that she comes from an authentic place. You can tell she is walking the walk rather than just talking about it. She emanates a soft, but strong fiery quality that motivates you to look beyond what you think is possible. She also taught us practical tools for obtaining new clients and incorporated a guided meditation, which I found super helpful for integrating everything she taught us. I would definitely recommend attending a talk with Summer for anyone who wants to bust through barriers in their minds/lives and who might need a dose of the inspiring and very real medicine that she embodies.

– Lianne Theresa | New Light Holistic Doula | Vancouver, BC

Summer was a breath of fresh air! She spoke from a place of experience and motivated with genuine appreciation for life. Her combination of physical movement and group participation made for an incredibly uplifting experience. She has a way of putting things into perspective that allows others to envision windows of opportunity to change direction within their own lives.

– Katie | Doula | Austin, TX

If you are wondering if Summer is the right speaker for your event, let me tell you she is! Her speaking style makes you feel like you have known her forever. She is real, unfiltered, and shows her strength through raw vulnerability. Her story of personal triumph touched me. I know if she was able to overcome her obstacles, I can overcome mine. Most importantly, I gleaned insight on how to value myself in my new business venture and how to avoid selling myself short. As a mom of two, her message of self-care really resonated with me. I recognized myself in her. I realized I miss the vibrant, sexy woman I was just two short years ago before my youngest was born. It was freeing to admit this to myself. She has inspired me to reconnect with myself, to do the things I love to do more often, and to discover my sexy self again.

– Katherine Blanco | Doula & Yoga Teacher | Vancouver, BC

I had the most transformational weekend with Summer! She’s energetic, caring, and full of incredible wisdom and knowledge. She shared so much of herself. She spoke of self-care and why it’s so important to take care of ourselves after trauma. We talked about how to get to where we want to go both in our personal lives and in our business lives. We looked at our relationship with money and learned how our limiting beliefs are holding us back… and we redefined these beliefs. One weekend wasn’t enough. I would love to take an entire course from Summer for six weeks! She is so relatable. Very compassionate and just so much fun. The time flew by and all I wanted was MORE. Her teaching style is very interactive – written exercises, outdoor pilates, rituals down by the water and so much more! I can’t wait to hear her speak again. She was completely amazing. Thank you so much Summer, from the bottom of my heart.

– Janice Miles | Doula | Vancouver, BC

I really wanted to thank you for your talk. I’ve always been embarrassed about my abuse and never wanted to talk openly about it, but your courageousness to speak up about yours helped me to see that I wasn’t the only one. All this time, I assumed it was only me and that it really was my fault that he did those things to me (like he always would say). It’s been one of those things I struggle with greatly and it makes me very self conscious and afraid people will judge me for what I let happen to me. I was a victim for six years and it still haunts me to this day. I feel like this is such a huge topic that gets pushed under the rug in high school because people assume that it only happens when you’re older. You really helped me to feel better about myself by speaking out. I’m very grateful that you came to speak with us. Thank you.


– Female High School Student | California

Summer’s unique stair-step approach in getting hired is a refreshing change to the usual sales pitch. It allows you to really connect on a deeper level with potential clients and be much more likely to get hired. She knows her worth and teaches you the importance of knowing yours. Her style is laid back and she presents information in an open and honest manner. I appreciate her fearless approach to life. This woman has Moxie!

– Jennifer Jasmine | Doula | Vancouver, BC



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